South America

Monday, September 12, 2005

Quito - Basilica

Hey everybody!

Yesterday Phil and I went to the Basilica in the Old Town of Quito. Now, I´m not one for churches, but this one was amazing. You can climb about 6 flight of regular stairs which then takes you to 3 floors of circular stairs (a little scary for me who isn´t too good with heights) and for the final 3 floors you have to climb some sketchy rebar ladders (needless to say I made it up the first one and gave the other two a miss, though Phil went righ to the top). I felt compelled to go up at least one ladder since these 16 year old girls in huge heels weren´t having any troubles going up and down. Anyway, you get an incredible view of the whole city.

We met up with Jon and Ave yesterday and heard all about their adventures (some sounded pretty scary with a near robbing in Nicaragua and Jon having to give mouth-to-mouth with a near fatal drowning victim). The Galapagos sounded amazing - all the animals are supposed to be incredibly friendly and the scenery sounds lovely. I have to admit I am more sold than ever on going - another time.

Today we´re going to the Equator - there is a little museum with some experiments outlined that you can only do at the Equator! Tomorrow we start heading South to Latacumba then off to Baños - you can follow along on the map in the first posting if you desire.

Then ankle is doing well (no flippers for me, though) and I´m sure Barb is great - I can´t wait to hear all about her trip!


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